Angela Center |
Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts |
Sponsors of a variety
of classes and programs |
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DILEMMA: The introvert tendency resonates with solitude, contemplation, inspiration and the expansion of inner experience and meaning. Fruits from this inner communion underlie who we are and how we experience others. How do we effectively express this fullness in relationship with others? How can effective communication respecting some valuable traits associated with introversion--high sensitivity, heightened awareness of surround, idiosyncratic meaning--facilitate and enhance relationship? This course will use lecture, discussion and in-class experience to facilitate understanding and appreciation of the introvert's dilemma. Led by Jane
Lind, M.A., MFTI Cost: $36. Please make reservations.
2000 Three Wednesday mornings May 10 to 24 10:00 to
11:30 a.m. |
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Center 535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Phone: 707 528-8578 Fax: 707 528-0114 Email: TheAngelaCenter |
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved |