Angela Center |
Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts |
Sponsors of a variety
of classes and programs |
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LIVING HEALED AND HEALING LIVES IN WOUNDED COMMUNITIES This retreat will center around the challenge to live as whole persons within our wounded, often toxic, communal bodies. How can our vulnerability be empowered, not victimized? How can we learn to pour out for others without being exhausted and drained? How do we pray for the wounded generations behind us, and how do we pray for and help heal our present communities without internalizing their toxicity? What do New Testament scriptures have to say about learning to love without becoming victims? This retreat will include presentations, group discussion, biblically-based guided meditations and time for solitary reflection. Led by Flora
Flosser Wuellner This retreat is co-sponsored by the Community Church, UCC, Sebastopol, and Angela Center. Cost: $155 (includes room, board and tuition.) Please make reservations.
2000 Friday, March 10, 7:00 p.m., through Saturday,
March 11, 7:00 p.m. |
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Center 535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Phone: 707 528-8578 Fax: 707 528-0114 Email: TheAngelaCenter |
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved |