Angela Center

Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts

Sponsors of a variety of classes and programs
for self exploration and self development for both men and women.
cy_diam.gif (938 bytes)
Conference Facility in Santa Rosa, California with accommodations

(Click on  text to choose destination)

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Programs

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) What's New at AC

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Psychotherapy /
     Counseling Svcs

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Conference

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Registration

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Contact our Staff

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) News

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) AC Press

cy_ball.gif (967 bytes) Angela Center Home


Welcome to the Angela Center





Angela Center
535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA  95403
Phone: 707 528-8578  Fax: 707 528-0114
Email: TheAngelaCenter
Program Archives
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2008. All Rights Reserved