Third Sunday of Lent

March 14, 2004

Exodus 3:1-8:13-15
1Cor 10:1-6;10-12
Luke 13:1-9
"A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he came out looking for fruit on this fig tree…."
What can a barren fig tree tell me about the Kingdom of God? I have asked myself this question often as I reflect on this reading. Perhaps the barren tree symbolized Israel's unresponsiveness to their Lord. As I reflect further I can see it in my own life as, perhaps, my unfaithfulness (unresponsiveness) to my Lord in so many small ways--is my tree becoming barren or do I consciously give it new life daily as I spend time in reflection and prayer, listening to the God who speaks within me? Part of tending my "fig tree" is the assumption that I must be patient and yet not rest and be comfortable. I must not presume that all will happen in "my time." God does give me time to get right with him/her, but that time is now. I must not assume that there is no hurry. When I look at a sudden or unexpected death that leaves one no time to get one's affairs in order I am moved to tend my "fig tree" on a daily basis. I need the quiet and peace so the water (prayer) and the sunshine (solitude) will help my tree bear fruit for myself and for others. Jesus often warns me that I must be always ready. Through my daily relationship with my Lord I receive both grace and time to turn away from being closed and unresponsive.       ...more
Yes, right now.
by: Sister Shirley Ann Garibaldi
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