Monday of the 3rd Week of Lent

March 15, 2004

2 Kings 5:1-15

Luke 4:24-30

"If the prophet had told you to do something extraordinary, would you not have done it?"
Like Naaman I want to be healed; I want to change; I want to improve. And when I seek council about what I should do, how often do I follow through? Sometimes I find myself deeper in a blaming mode and wonder if I was really seeking advice at all or if I just wanted some sympathy for poor me. Or sometimes I look at the advice and turn back. Am I afraid of becoming that better person? Did I ever really want to change? Sometimes I even get angry at the one I turn to for advice. It must be their fault that I can't change; their advice must be wrong so how could I follow it. Will I ever trust in the One who invites me to be whole?
Make me whole
by: Sadie Decker
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