O Israel, to the Lord, your God . . . Take with you words, and return
to the Lord . . . Say to the Lord, 'Forgive all iniquity . . .' "
of the scribes . . . saw how well Jesus had answered them . . .
(and after Jesus had proclaimed the 'Greatest Commandment') . .
. the scribe said to him, 'Well said, teacher' ".
with you words . . . say to the Lord . . . how well Jesus answered
them . . . the scribe said to Jesus . . . Well said, teacher . . .
How blessed we
are to use words: to speak, to inquire, to proclaim, to praise,
to answer, to comment, to disagree, to discuss, to entertain, to
forgive, to share, to teach.
Yahweh, may we
take your words with us today. May we treasure them. And, may it
be said of us, "Well said, teacher."