Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent

March 18, 2004

Jeremiah 7:23-28

Luke 11:14-23

"...I have persistently sent you all my servants the prophets, day after day."
Jeremiah gives word to the Lord God's lament over His people's stubborn refusal to hear the wisdom being made available to them by those on whom His Spirit rests. In the other passage, Luke shows Jesus making plain both the Source of his wisdom and that this Source he serves has desires here and now, about which we must choose.

These messages may call us to examine anew in this season what of wisdom and the Holy Spirit is around us that we do need to open to more fully. Am I entrenched in a habit whose routine deafens me to some persistent whisper about a better path? Will I admit the thought, and choose? Is there someone in my life, even 'day after day,' whose way is offering me insight on behalf of love, if I will listen? How, then, do I choose to answer?

Listen...; answer....
by: Gene Sandrett
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