Sunday the Church proposes to us the Parable of the Prodigal Son for
our prayer. Most of us have heard this passage from our childhood.
The theme is the goodness of God who can forgive us a hundredfold,
or seven times seven. . . God's goodness is evident.
What about the
second son? He has been faithful and yet his father gives no party,
nor seems to rejoice over his fidelity. Perhaps jealousy and anger
have eaten at the second son's heart. He is blinded to God's love
and forgiveness while his erstwhile brother is open to the same
love and forgiveness.
What about me?
Do I identify with the prodigal son? Have I squandered the gifts
of God to me? Do I believe that the graces of Baptism are still
available to me? Do I have the courage to turn toward the Lord and
ask His pardon? Do I have faith that God is my Father, and that
He has loved me from birth, in my goodness and my sinfulness. ...