Monday of the 4th Week of Lent

March 22, 2004

Isaiah 65:17-21

John 4:43-54

"As he was going down, his servants came to him and told him his son was living."
John's gospel, like no other, brings the divine son of God to a living, breathing flesh and blood man. In this reading, however, his human presence is not necessary. A young man lyes dying in Capernaum, several miles from Cana, where Jesus has just returned home to Galilee. The father asks Jesus to come with him and heal his son. Tired, surely, from his long trip to teach and heal in Judea and Samaria, Jesus assures him: "Go; your son will live." The son is healed at that hour and the man's faith in the healing power of Jesus is confirmed. John asks us in this gospel to believe that this man Jesus was the word made flesh who would lead us to the new Jerusalem. Like the father, I believe.
In the beginning was the word.
by: Jerry Hardy
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