Tuesday of the 4th Week of Lent

March 23, 2004

Ez 47:1-9;12

John 5:1-3;5-16

"Do you want to be made well?"
The man has been sick a long time, has lain by the pool for years, never able to move himself into that space where the churning waters might heal his wasting body. Jesus comes on the scene. "Do you want to be made well?" he asks. The man says only that every day he tries to make it into the healing waters and every day he is pushed aside by the fleeter and the stronger. "Stand up, take your mat and walk," Jesus says. The man stands up and walks out into the streets. That's the next story. This story is of a healer who asks, "Do you want to be healed," and considers not Yes or No, but rather the testimony of faith of the one who places himself daily so near to what he believes to be the source of healing.
Yes, Lord, I want to be healed.
by: Lou Hasberg
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