Wednesday of the 4th Week of Lent

March 24, 2004

Isaiah 49: 8-15

John 5:17-30

"Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you"
When we hear about a mother or father neglecting or hurting their child, we are horrified. Our expectation of unconditional parental love is high even though we have also seen its absence. So this image of motherly tenderness is so powerful when God assures us that even if a mother could forget her child, God will never forget. We long for that security. So we literally drink in the promises that God makes: to restore the land, to free the prisoners, to bring light to the darkness, to quench hunger and thirst, to comfort the afflicted….

But in these days of Lenten renewal, we would be much mistaken to simply think that we are only meant to bask in God's goodness towards us. We are also being challenged to lend a hand in making those promises a reality. So the question is just how am I going to help restore the land? Who have I freed or comforted lately? What have I done to quench anyone's hunger or thirst? Is the darkness brightened at all by my efforts? What am I going to do about showing the tender face of God to my world? What are you going to do?

I will never forget you
by: Sister Dianne Baumunk
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