Scripture |
healthy do not need a doctor: sick people do. I have not come to invite
the self-righteous to a change of heart, but sinners." |
Reflection |
reading Luke's Gospel today, I'm asking myself: "Who do you eat
and drink with? Hang out with?" And I'm wondering if I'm more
comfortable with people like the Pharisees who are so sure of the
"right way" and the "proper image" or with the
tax collectors and those non-observers of the law--- those outsiders.
On the one hand, I can get very perturbed with folks as righteous
and judgmental as the Pharisees--- they can make my blood boil a bit.
On the other hand, how do I feel about the folks they judge and look
askance at? Ah, now that's another story. Don't I worry about being
lumped in with those good-for-nothing types? The ones who don't take
care of their yards or keep their kids in check or pay their bills
on time
.. Don't I put a lot of stake in people thinking that
I'm one of the "good guys"? I sure don't go around introducing
myself as a sinner or witnessing to the fact that Jesus came to save
wretches like me. Yes, I need a change of heart. And my heart needs
to be wide enough to embrace both the judgmental and the judged. Now
that's a challenge I can work on in these days of Lent
Mantra |
wide my heart
Sister Dianne Baumunk |