after Ash Wednesday
February 27, 2004

Isaiah 58: 1-9
Matthew 9:14-15
"Jesus answered, 'How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast'."
What I like about this passage is the questioner who asks the kind of question that I like to think would never occur to me were I to speak to Jesus. It carries exasperation and pettiness and that I find deeply human: 'We fast, other holy men in our community fast, but your followers don't, AND (don't think we haven't noticed) neither do you!' It comes from that place we all have: someone is having an easier time then us, they are getting away with something. There's also an implied flip side: we who do the right thing are morally superior! Jesus answers this question with great wisdom, side-stepping it's narrow anger to take a vastly wider perspective. He answers with a capital 'T' Truth. Truths-the big ones-don't operate on the same level as the narrow concerns of our resentments, jealousies and jostling to prove ourselves superior. Instead they shake us up-if we have "ears to hear them." I hope that young man was shaken as I hope to be shaken myself.
Open my ears to hear
by: Mary Regan
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