Wednesday of 1st. Week of Lent

March 3, 2004

Jonah 3:1-20

Luke 11:29-32

"When God saw their actions, he repented…"
In today's reading we capture a glimpse of the Hebrew mind and their image of God. They really believed that they could change God's mind. Do we have such simple faith? Do we really believe that our actions can influence the world around us? Can we really make a difference? Most of us underestimate God. We feel that life is but a series of predestined outcomes. We sit back and let it happen to us. Too bad we don't have a little more of that ancient child-like mentality that believes, really believes that we can change god's mind. Oh, not just by wishing it changed but by doing the good. In Jonah's time, the Ninevites, an outcast, foreign people, not the chosen ones of God, heard his call to turn from evil and do the good. God saw their actions and changed his mind. We too can change his mind by our good actions. We can influence the evil around us by doing good.
Turn to us and see the good we do!
by: Ernie Bailly
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