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Join us for an inspiring exploration of the path of yoga and the teachings of Christ. Jesus pointed to the presence of God within us, teaching that we must look for God within our own heart. The essence of yoga is to experience this unity of mind, body and spirit, realizing our oneness with the Divine within. "You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind." Luke 10:27. The path of Raja Yoga takes these beautiful words of Christ and offers practices that invite us to lovingly bring our whole self (body, heart, mind, and soul) to God. Each class will focus on a different aspect of Raja Yoga and Christ's teachings, exploring how the similar paths answer the call to love God with our whole being. Our Heart: Bhakti Yoga (Prayer & Devotion) - The Christian and Yogic traditions abound with sacred prayers and practices of devotion dedicated to opening our hearts so that we may call to God with love. In this class, we will reflect upon the writings of both traditions, including: Thomas Merton, St. Theresa of Avila, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, St. Francis of Assisi; Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda. We will close the evening with beautiful, devotional chants. Our Being: Hatha
Yoga (asana's: gentle yoga postures) - A prayerful offering of our
body to God. With gentle movements and attention given to our breath
and thoughts, the physical practice of yoga cultivates a respectful
appreciation of our body as a temple for the Divine. Our Mind: Gyana Yoga (wisdom through discrimination) and Dhyana Yoga (absorption in meditation) - "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 37:7. Meditation is the crowning fruit of yoga practice, the direct inner pathway to God within us. This evening will focus on mental clarity, using our mind to discover truth. With calm concentration, we will bring our full attention to God, inviting a flow of Divine inspiration to guide our lives. Our Whole Self: Sadhana (spiritual practice) and Discipleship - This class will begin with a discussion on discipleship reflecting on what the two traditions (East and West) have to say about the important relationship of Master and disciple. The last hour of class will be entirely experiential, a culmination of the previous week's practices and teachings. We will begin with gentle yoga and deep relaxation, followed by prayer, devotional chanting, affirmations, guided visualization and silent meditation. Prepare yourself for an evening of (inward) heavenly bliss. Heidi and Jim
Noh-Kuhn are Catholic Yogis, following the teachings of Christ and
the path of Yoga, as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda (1893 -1952).
Yogananda was a great Master of yoga, who came to United States from
India in 1920 to bring the teachings of yoga to the west. He emphasized
the harmony between the teachings of Yoga and the teachings of Christ,
and wrote the spiritual classic "Autobiography of a Yogi"
dedicating it to his dear friend Luther Burbank, whom Yogananda considered
"An American Saint". Cost: $100
2004 Series
of 5 Wednesdays: |
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