Classes and Seminars
Does Not End Relationship"
Saturday Mornings
Feb. 26 & March 5, 2005
9 am - 12 Noon
Cost: $60
Led by Sue Brown
When death
comes for someone with whom we share a physical as well as emotional
history and bond-a parent, child, sibling, spouse or grandparent-the
grief is intense, and the process of mourning complex. This complexity
often includes the felt experience of the loved one's ongoing
and felt presence in our lives, regardless of any particular spiritual
or religious orientation we might or might not have. In this workshop,
we will have an opportunity to explore the various ways we know
that the dead person lives on-in dreams and visitations, in the
ways we feel their presence, in the synchronicities that occur,
and through the conversations we have, to name a few. This exploration
can enrich and deepen our relationship with the person who has
died, and can powerfully assist us in healing the wounds and completing
the unfinished business between us and our no-longer-embodied
loved ones.
Cost: $60