Classes and Seminars
With Grief:
Healing Through Our Changes and Loss
by F. Michael Montgomery
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006
7 to 8:30pm
Cost: $15
deep sense of loss can be experienced in many situations, not
only those times when a loved one has died. This may include moving,
the loss of a job, retirement, or a change in a relationship through
separation or divorce. These losses touch us on many levels: emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually. Often we do not recognize
our need to grieve and instead dodge the feelings and experiences
that come up. We may avoid being vulnerable and criticize ourselves
for being so human. Yet our healing connects us with our Beloved.
But in our pain, we often distance ourselves from our own hearts
and deny ourselves the very healing that we seek. This workshop
will help us to understand the importance of grieving our losses
and how to care for ourselves as we do so.
F. Michael Montgomery, LCSW, MFT has been a therapist for more
than 30 years. He worked for Home Hospice for 11 years and has
conducted two national workshops on the subject of healing and
growth. He has been the president of the Redwood Empire Chapter
of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
His work supports and challenges us to be alive and open to our
healing and wholeness.