May 21 – Sixth Sunday Easter: John 14: 15- 21
I will not leave you orphans; I’ll be just like Marcel’s grandmother, just on the other side of the wall, the corridor that entombs you. I will come to you in so many ways: sacramentally, by way of the Spirit, in the Breath of God that constantly breathes the universe into astonishing being, in your dreams, events as transient as your sudden engagement with a paragraph in a book or scene in a film. Are you experiencing a severe trial of any kind? An Advocate, the Paraclete will take his place beside you – and not only a Paraclete but on that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you.
Or to put it another way: wherever there is Love, there is God: Father, Son and Paraclete Or wherever there is a 14 year old picking up a pamphlet about the thirteenth century there is Love; or a village girl delivering coffee and milk to the transients on a paused train, there is Love; or whenever a grandmother tells an anxious boy just to tap on the wall and she will come to him, there is Love, or a Samaritan woman hears someone ask for a drink of water, there is Love; or the mother of Jesus says at a wedding “they have no wine,” there is Love or the maker of the world says “And I if I be lifted up will draw all things to myself” there is the potent Love we hide from within our corridors of habitual security, our forgetfulness of Being.