Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her. Luke 10:41-42
How many devises do you own? How many different notification beeps can you identify? As for me, I can recognize when I have a phone call, a voice mail or an e-mail. Different and distinct tones tell me when someone “likes” my social media post or responds to another or comments on my blog. Of course, I awaken to an alarm (on my phone now instead of an actual clock). I don’t keep a digital calendar (mine still hangs on the wall), and I don’t track my daily steps, but if I did, those would have to be added to the cacophony, wouldn’t they?
So many things! Sometimes we’re tempted to argue with Jesus in this Gospel passage. “But I’m different,” we want to say. “Sure, I’m busy…but I can listen to you too, Lord. I’m sure of it. Mary, I’m definitely Mary.” Until the beep calls me, of course.
Jesus, today I turn away from those many things and listen to you alone, undistracted.
Amy Welborn (LIVING FAITH)