Reflection for August 16, 2017

Awakening to the Infinite

There is a hunger in the human heart, far more powerful then the intellect; a hunger that 2017August16overpowers rational thought and takes over, forcing one to cry in anguish…..people do whatever it takes… long as that hunger remains forgotten.

Yet it never does.  It bubbles up to the surface of consciousness over and over, and when it does surface, humans become extremely uncomfortable, looking for ways to get rid of it, even if for awhile.  The hunger is a question buried deep in the heart.  It is a curse, a burden, a key to the gates of heaven… a destiny to first be terrified of the question, then to seek the answer, and then upon finding it… to dies.  Not the death of the body; the death of the false self.  The question is: “Who am I?”

Shafin de Zane (excerpt from his book, Awakening to the Infinite)  Shafin is a Bangladesh-born spiritual leader devoted to expansion of awareness and spiritual evolution of all beings.

Sincerity is the Jewel that forms in the shell of the Heart…
…and the Soul of the Heart itself is as blazing as the stars.

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